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The two string players silently strike their tuning forks and let them sound on the sounboard, searching for the best location. The best way of having a good sound is to strike it on the left hand (Index, first finger joint). The public should not hear the strike!

Circle 2: Take down the instrument on your knees (violin), put the first finger of the left hand on the g-String like a harmonic note (only touching it) and tip with the fingernail of the right index on to the string. The other fingers mute to the other strings. So you have a “secco” effect!

Circle 3: The “ohm” is a drawing of the bridge. A pure percussive sound (secco) with the finger nail on the base of the bridge with the right index.

Circle 4: Playing on the other side of the bridge on arpeggio, from deep to high.

Circle 5: Corresponding to circle 3 . A pure percussive sound with the finger on the wood of the instrument.

e: The triangle-note indicates: as high as possible

f: Triplet quarter rest.

g: 14:ponticello for the strings.

h: The bass clef is missing!

i: Yes.

Accidentals apply only for the following note except if it is repeated immediately.

Clarinet: The fingerings at the end of the piece are to bee realized after taking awaythe barrel socket and the mouthpiece clapping with the flat hand on the upper tube.

The piece should end with a “la”.